Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't Quit Smiling

I've been really happy lately, regardless of the morning sickness which still lingers. Today I'm in the mood to shop for baby. I want to go buy ten thousand little onesies, cover them in baby lotion, and stick my face in them. Okay, so that might be a little extreme, but you understand how excited I'm getting to have a house that sounds and smells like baby.

Tony and I have been anxious lately about how our pets will react to having a little one around. We're pretty certain that Toby the kitty will be a pest. He'll be the one that we find climbing into the crib and beating up on baby (don't worry! he has no claws). The dogs are our main concern. While we have great confidence that they will adapt just fine-- prediciting that Boscoe will be slightly jealous at first, but will soon be covering baby in wet kisses, and assuming that Bear will quickly be the watchman/guard dog that he is for us-- we've been trying to think of ways to assist our pups in this life-changing transition. Tony's mom made a great suggestion. Tell me what you think. She suggested that we take two extra blankets to the hospital with us, and when baby is born, use those blankets to hold him/her (her, I think) for a few hours. When baby has been in the blankets long enough to have left a "scent" on them, have Tony take the blankets home and give one to each of the dogs. That way they can get used to baby's scent in our home and learn that baby is not a threat, but part of our home and our family. Think it could work? If anthing, it's certainly a cute idea =)

Tony and I are going grocery shopping tonight with all of the coupons I've started to clip! I'm trying to be resourceful, thanks to some encouragement from our pastor's wife. She's the coupon queen! I'll let you know how it goes ;)


  1. I think the whole blanket thing is a great idea!! And I think it's awesome that you have started to clip coupons. I started back in August and will never go back to not using coupons. It saves us TONS of money. Half of the time I wonder how companies can stand to give so many groceries away?!! Good Luck!

  2. So, you might need to help me out with the coupons, I've been trying, and I seriously don't get it. I can't stack them and I don't see the savings...ha ha! But, as far as the dogs go, yes, the blanket idea is a winner. And if I could make one other suggestion, the key is to pay attention to the dogs while you are holding or playing with the baby. Don't wait until the baby goes to sleep to play with your pets or they will start to think baby = I get no attention until baby goes to sleep. You want them to associate positive attention with the baby! Spencer and Noah are bestest buddies, they play all day long :)

  3. I am struggling a little with the coupons, although Tony and I did save $20 on a $80 grocery tab on Thursday (I was pretty proud). I am not finding a whole lot in the least not a lot of food coupons. I find lots of tp and papertowels and laundry stuff, but that's about it. Maybe I need to be looking in other places, too?
