Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby Boy!

Tony and I had our 22 week ultrasound on Monday (yes, I said 22 week...they moved the baby's due date from August 11 to August 1!). The baby is healthy and really growing! He was moving around, and at one point he was swinging his arms like a boxer. When the doctor pointed out his "peepee," I turned around and found Tony dancing behind me. Tony is thrilled. He wanted a boy so badly. I'm glad he's getting his little man =) I'm so thankful and relieved that our baby is strong and healthy. His heart rate was 147.

We picked out bedding for the nursery, and we are going to the store this evening to pick out paint. The bedding was Tony's choice, and I think it's adorable. It has bulldozers, work trucks, and road signs on it. We think we're going to choose a light earthy green for the walls. So excited!

We're tossing a bunch of names around right now. We had a definite name for a girl, but not for a boy. Such a big decision!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Break

It is so nice to have a week off. I've been getting a lot done around the house. But I'm finding time to relax, too. Tony and I are trying to get this house in order for the baby. We finally got a kitchen table big enough for a family. It's beautiful. We ordered a new mattress set and bedroom furniture. And for my birthday, Tony got me a Dyson vaccum cleaner. It is my new favorite toy!

Tony got to go to my last doctor's appointment. We heard the heartbeat and scheduled our next ultrasound. The 29th is baby's opportunity to reveal its gender to us! I'm hoping that we don't have any trouble determining what gender the baby is. I've heard stories about stubborn and camera-shy babies...

I'm getting sick less often now. My back is really hurting me, but for right now heating pads, stretching, and Tony's massages are helping. Tony's been really great...he's very considerate and tries very hard to help in whatever way he can. The other night we were laying in bed and I was almost asleep when I heard him whisper to himself, "I can't wait for the baby to be here." I didn't say anything, just smiled to myself. He's gonna be a great dad...and I can't wait to see him hold our child =)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't Quit Smiling

I've been really happy lately, regardless of the morning sickness which still lingers. Today I'm in the mood to shop for baby. I want to go buy ten thousand little onesies, cover them in baby lotion, and stick my face in them. Okay, so that might be a little extreme, but you understand how excited I'm getting to have a house that sounds and smells like baby.

Tony and I have been anxious lately about how our pets will react to having a little one around. We're pretty certain that Toby the kitty will be a pest. He'll be the one that we find climbing into the crib and beating up on baby (don't worry! he has no claws). The dogs are our main concern. While we have great confidence that they will adapt just fine-- prediciting that Boscoe will be slightly jealous at first, but will soon be covering baby in wet kisses, and assuming that Bear will quickly be the watchman/guard dog that he is for us-- we've been trying to think of ways to assist our pups in this life-changing transition. Tony's mom made a great suggestion. Tell me what you think. She suggested that we take two extra blankets to the hospital with us, and when baby is born, use those blankets to hold him/her (her, I think) for a few hours. When baby has been in the blankets long enough to have left a "scent" on them, have Tony take the blankets home and give one to each of the dogs. That way they can get used to baby's scent in our home and learn that baby is not a threat, but part of our home and our family. Think it could work? If anthing, it's certainly a cute idea =)

Tony and I are going grocery shopping tonight with all of the coupons I've started to clip! I'm trying to be resourceful, thanks to some encouragement from our pastor's wife. She's the coupon queen! I'll let you know how it goes ;)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

Mount Union never has snow days, so I went ahead and created my own snow day today. Good thing I decided to stay home, because I've been sick all day. I'm having a little bit of chest pain, too. I've learned if I take slow, deep breaths it goes away.

Today is the first day of my second trimester! It should only be a matter of days before I start to feel good! I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I was going to go to the nursing home with my dad tonight to see my grandma, but it's not looking like I'm going to make it there. When Tony gets home from work, I'm going to see if he'll help me make some cookies for her. That way, even though I won't be with her in person, I can be with her in taste...haha!

Bear just fell asleep with his face buried in his cute!. I think I'll join him on the floor with my pillow, and we'll take a nap together.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Finally Eating! (too much)

What a wonderful night I had last night! Tony went into work at 5:00pm and was supposed to work until 10:00, but because of the storm they sent him home at 5:30 =) So he came home and took me out to dinner (yes, we plowed through the was a fun adventure). We went to Mike's in Louisville, and I ate entirely too much. And then I came home and ate 2...TWO...Hershey's with almonds (oh so good). We watched a movie, and I fell asleep with a full tummy.
Today I woke up and commented to Tony that I was still full from last night. Did that stop me from eating? Of course not. I had a big bowl of cereal around 9:00 am. Around 10:30 I was determined to go to Bob Evan's for a second breakfast. Tony tried to get the car out of the garage, but he got stuck in the middle of the driveway three times. So he gave up. I, however, did not give up. I said a prayer that our nice old neighbor man would come over with his tractor to help us get out of our snow castle. Tony laughed at me as I planted myself in front of the window and watched for the next two hours, hoping the tractor would magically appear. And guess what? IT DID! So we paid the nice man all of the cash we had...a whopping $15, and skipped all the way to our car.
I walked into Bob Evans around 12:15 with a huge appetite. I walked out an hour later with a belly ache. I ate: 2 pieces of banana nut bread, 2 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 1 big pile of hash browns, 1 large orange juice, and 2 glasses of water.
It is now 2:02 and I feel like I am going to explode. Tony kept telling me to quit eating, but I didn't listen. I think it's safe to say I won't be hungry again until Superbowl kickoff tomorrow evening. I am going to go lay down now, praying that I will throw up to relieve some of this pressure in my belly =(
I hope I learned my lesson!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

By Popular Demand!

By request/suggestion of a friend, I have officially created my first ever blog! Congratulations on the honor of being able to read my every thought. You'll find that most thoughts will be in regard to my new motherhood =)
Tony and I are expecting our first child. Baby Humes is due August 11, 2010...and we are very, very excited. Stay tuned for regular updates, as I will make an earnest effort to remain faithful to my readers (all three of you, lol).
Have a blessed evening!